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Mapping amenities

Before mapping amenities, you will need to know which type of amenity you'd like to add. You'll find a list of amenity types at the bottom of the Amenities uploader page and you can easily add an amenity type if one is missing.

  1. Visit the Amenities uploader.
  2. In the 'Download amenities' section, select a type of amenity. You can only upload 'local' types. Add 'OSM' types on OpenStreetMap.
  3. Click 'Download'.
  4. Open the downloaded CSV file and add or edit amenities. Items below in bold are mandatory. You may use Log/Lat or post codes, but not both.
    • id – the unique identifier of an amenity. Leave blank if adding a new amenity.
    • label – the name of an amenity.
    • amenityTypeId – the amenity type code. This should be pre-filled, copy it for new rows.
    • amenityTypeLabel – the name of the amenity type. This should be pre-filled, copy it for new rows.
    • markerGroup – the amenity group. This should be pre-filled, copy it for new rows.
    • timePeriodId – use the applicable timePeriodId from this sheet. The correct timePeriodId will likely be that which matches the time period the data was collected, e.g. cal_2016 for the calendar year of 2016.
    • longitude – the angular distance of an amenity east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
    • latitude – the angular distance of an amenity north or south of the earth's equator.
    • postcode – the post code in which the amenity is located.
    • user: – if you've added user-defined fields to your amenity group, they'll be prepended with 'user:'. You can fill in these as you please and they'll be shown on a map when hovering your mouse over a marker.
    • delete – insert TRUE alongside an amenity to delete it, otherwise insert FALSE to add it.
  5. Save the CSV file.
  6. Go back to the Amenities uploader, view the 'Upload amenities' section. Click 'Choose file...' and select the CSV file.
  7. Click the 'upload' button.
  8. Your CSV file will be uploaded and you'll receive a confirmation email.

You'll now be able to view amenities on a map. If you have any problems, please get in touch with the support team.