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Add an amenity type

An amenity is a service centre in your authority, such as toilets, libraries and register offices, and these are grouped into types. There's a few amenity types already loaded into the system but feel free to add missing items using the instructions below.

  1. Visit the Amenities uploader and sign in to your account.
  2. Scroll down and click the 'Add amenity type' button.
  3. Give the type a name in the 'type label' field, e.g. toilet, library.
  4. Add the amenity type to a group by selecting an existing group or typing to add a new one. For example, if you're adding the amenity type 'bus stops' you might want to add it to the 'Transport' group. You must add the type to a group.
  5. Tick the box if all amenity types in the amenity group can be cumulated over time, leave it unticked if all types in the group represent a snapshot in time. In most circumstances you should leave this unticked. Aggregating over time is mostly applicable to service incidents.
  6. Describe the amenity group in the 'Group description' box.
  7. Give the amenity type a description, which will appear on a map when hovering over an amenity's marker.
  8. If you'd like a custom marker to appear on the map, you can upload an icon image. We suggest you use an icon from Icons8, which must be at least 32 x 32 pixels and in .GIF or .PNG format.
  9. Using the 'Area type' field, choose the system you'll use to define an amenity's location: Longitude/Latitude or post codes.
  10. Use the 'Data frequency' drop-down to choose how often your data is collected. For example, if you bicycle stands each calendar quarter choose 'Rolling calendar quarter'. This sheet shows you the time periods you're able to use, or choose 'Current time' if you won't collect the data again.
  11. Click 'Save'.

You can now start mapping amenities to include in reports and open data.