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LG Inform Plus My Local Metrics Help Guide

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What is it?

My Local Metrics is a data service allowing LG Inform Plus subscribers to add their local data items, or local performance indicators, to the LG Inform database for use alongside the 13,000+ publicly available data items it already holds.

Using the LG Inform Plus secure platform, you can define new metric types and upload their values for use within the LG Inform, LG Inform Plus and the LGI API tools. Once uploaded, these metrics can be used to create anything from simple charts, tables and maps to complex reports which will better reflect local needs and priorities.

Twenty-four hours after upload, the new data is ready for use. The LG Inform and LG Inform Plus functionality, such as our report writing tools, natural neighbourhoods and the API can be used to surface the data or write detailed reports using your own data alongside a range of values from national sources. Subsequently, by adding new data for future time periods, these reports will automatically update as newer data is added.

You can also choose to share this new local data with other subscribing organisations to promote joint working on strategic initiatives, for example via a Joint Strategic Needs (JSN) Assessment. The My Local Metrics service lets you define exactly which organisations can view the new data on an item by item basis, so you can keep some data items private while sharing others with key partners.


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Accessing My Local Metrics

To access My Local Metrics your organisation needs to subscribe to the LG Inform Plus service. Subscribing organisations have an automatic allocation of twenty five database spaces ready to store their local metrics with their standard subscription. More database space for additional metrics can easily be added by upgrading your subscription. For further information about My Local Metrics please email:


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Using the module

Follow these instructions to add new or view any metrics that have been added by other LG Inform Plus users from your organisation.

1. Go to My Local Metrics

Go to the front page of LG Inform Plus ( and sign in. Once signed in, click on ‘Your data and metrics’.

If you have not previously registered, use the “Register” option first to register with your council email address.

Screenshot showing the site top navigation and position of the Sign in and Register links: Far left hand side.:

Your organisation needs to be subscribed to LG Inform Plus to use this tool. If you don’t have access after sign in contact: or the Support team at:

Screenshot of the LG Inform Plus landing page showing where the My Local Metrics module is located: under 'Your data and metrics' Hub page

2. Scroll down the page and select ‘Go to my local metrics’

Screenshot of the Hub page showing the 'Go to My Local Metrics' button/link.

3. View your list of metrics

If your organisation has any metric types defined in the My Local Metrics tool, they will be listed on this page.

Screenshot of the landing page. The shot shows a list of Metrics already created. Four icons, explained below, are highlighted to the right hand side of each listed metric.

Click on a metric type name to view the details it contains.

To the right of each metric type name you will see four icons. These are:

  • Download data for this metric type
  • View an LG Inform report for this metric type
  • View an LG Inform Plus report for this metric type
  • View this metric type in the LG Inform Plus data tool

Deleting metric types:

To delete any metric check the box to the left of the metric title.

Screenshot showing the location of the check box (left of the metric title) for deleting any metric

Then open the metric by clicking on the title. Scroll down till you see the delete button.

Screenshot showing where the Delete button is displayed.

Clicking the delete button will allow you to delete the metric type. Observe the warning message as deletion is permanent so take care!

Screenshot of the system warning message for deleting a metric as deletion is permanent.

Downloading data for this metric type:

The download button will produce a comma separated values (CSV) spreadsheet file containing all metric values for the selected metric type.

Screenshot highlighting the Download button for a CSV file

View an LG Inform report:

LG Inform allows for the benchmarking of data at authority level. When there is no data in LG Inform for this metric type the icon will be grey and not clickable. When there is data in LG Inform for this metric type, the button will become purple and clicking it will take you to a standard report in LG Inform for this metric type.

Screenshot highlighting the View an LG Inform report icon

View an LG Inform Plus report:

LG Inform Plus allows for the benchmarking of data within an authority boundary. When there is no data in LG Inform Plus for this metric type, the icon will be grey and not clickable. When there is data in LG Inform Plus for this metric type, the button will become purple and clicking it will take you to a standard report in LG Inform Plus for this metric type.

Screenshot highlighting the View LG Inform Plus report icon

View the metric type in the LG Inform Plus data tool:

The LG Inform Plus data tool allows subscribers to interrogate the LG Inform database and pull out the data in CSV format. When there is no data in the LG Inform Plus data tool for this metric type, the icon will be grey and not clickable. When there is data in LG Inform Plus for this metric type, the button will become purple and clicking it will take you to the data tool, allowing you to easily see all the data available.

Screenshot highlighting the view metric type in LG Inform Plus data tool (API) icon

NOTE: It takes 24 hours for new data uploaded to the system to become available across all tools, so if you are expecting this link to be active and it is not, please ensure you have allowed 24 hours for data to transfer.


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Create a single metric type

From the “My metrics” tab

To add a new metric, click on the purple “add metric type” button

Screenshot of the module landing page, highlighting where the 'Add metric type' button is located: top left button.


From the “Add metric types” tab to the right of My metrics’

Screenshot highlighting the alternative tab that can be used to add metric types. Located to the right of the My Metric tab.

Then click on the purple “Define a metric type” button

Screenshot showing where the 'Define a metric type' button is located.

1. Fill in the “Create metric type” form

The form will guide you through the process of adding a single metric type. The small “?” icons next to each label contain some hover-over help text.

Screenshot of the Metric Type Form/dialogue box.

If you need to ‘Chat’ with us at any stage click on this icon.

Screenshot of the available Chat function icon. Located on all pages.

The following table explains the fields that you need to complete to create your new metric:

Metric type name

The name the metric type will be known by

Short name

The name the metric type will be known by in places where space is limited. For example, on a chart.

Period type

The type of time period of the data chosen from the drop down options. For example, if your data covers a calendar year, choose “calendar year”.

Measure type

What the data value represents chosen from the available drop down options. For example it could be a count or a percentage.

Help text

The description of the metric type


Whether high values are good {e.g. number of GCSE’s) or low values are good (e.g. number of crimes) or ‘not applicable’

Client applications

The LG Inform and LG Inform Plus tools that your metric types will be available in

Open access

Check this to make data for your metric type public access


The organisations that will be able to view the data you add. By default it is limited to just your organisation.


Period type can be one of these types:

  • Academic year
  • Calendar quarter
  • Calendar year
  • Census year
  • Financial quarter
  • Financial year
  • Month

Measure type can be one of these types:

  • Percent (%)
  • Count
  • GBP
  • Incidents
  • Mean
  • Other
  • Ratio
  • Score

2. Save your metric type

Click the “Save” button and, assuming that you have correctly filled out the form, you will be notified that it has been saved and asked if you would like to add another metric or start adding data. Otherwise an error message will be shown. The "Cancel" button halts the process.

Screenshot showing the 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons



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Upload multiple metric types

If you need to add multiple new metric types, you can do this with the spreadsheet upload. Your spreadsheet will need to be formatted in a specific way so we have provided a template for you to use.

1. Download the template

Visit the “Add metric types” tab and then click the purple “upload multiple metric types” button.

Screenshot showing the Upload multiple metric types button. This can be used to upload metrics type

Click the “download template” link and a CSV file will download to your computer.

Screenshot showing the instructions for filling out your metrics type template.


2. Populating the template

Open the CSV file here

Screenshot showing where to populate data for your metric types

and then populate the columns with the following values:


The ID of the metric type you wish to change. Do not edit this. If you are adding a new metric type leave this blank.


The name of the metric type. This should be unique amongst your metric types.


The short name of the metric type to be used when space is tight. For example the label on an axis of a graph. This should be unique amongst your metric types.


The frequency with which the data is collected. This cannot be changed for existing metric types.



Academic year


Calendar quarter


Calendar year


Census year


Financial quarter


Financial year





The type of data the value refers to. This cannot be changed for existing metric types.



Percentage (to two decimal places)



count (to 0 decimal places)



GBP (to 0 decimal places)



incidents (to 0 decimal places)



Mean (to two decimal places)



ratio (to two decimal places)



score (to two decimal places)



The long description of your metric type


Whether high or low values are good or if polarity is ‘not applicable’


Whether to automatically adjust values according to inflation. Only applicable if measure is GBP. When not GBP use 0.


Which applications your metric type will be visible on. Pipe delimited, so to select all use esdToolkit|Inform|API


The pipe delimited domain name of email addresses in the organisation. For example, if you want to include two organisations, one with addresses and the other use|


Note that the columns for PeriodTypeLabel, MeasureTypeLabel, PolarityLabel, AdjustForInflationLabel, and ClientApplicationsLabels can be left blank. These are used when downloading details of existing metric types.

Once you have populated your CSV spreadsheet with your data, return to the “Add metric types” page and use the file picker to find your file on the computer.

Screenshot of the File Picker (Choose file) to add a csv data file from your computer for the chosen metric type. The validate button is also highlighted here too.

Click the “validate” button and the system will check that your file is valid. If not, it will tell you which cells need editing.

Once the file is validated, click the “upload” button and your metric types will be added.

Please note that while the metric types will be created almost instantly, it will take up to 24 hours for them to appear in all LG Inform/LG Inform Plus tools that you have specified.


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Upload metric values

Once you have defined some metric types, you will probably want to add values to them. This is done via a spreadsheet upload. Your spreadsheet needs to be in a specific format, so we have provided a template.

1. Download the template

Visit the “Upload metric values” tab.

Use the “Build a template” functionality to create a template. This allows you to say which metric type you wish to add values for, as well as the areas and time periods the data is applicable to.

Screenshot of the steps required to build a data template. First select metric type.Screenshot of the steps required to build a data template. Second, select an area e.g. council and third select an area type e.g. MSOA. Fourth step is to select a period e.g. month and then click the download button to generate your blank template.


First, pick the metric type you wish to add data for. If you haven’t yet created a metric type, do that first.

Select the area, and then area type for which you would like to add data. We have preloaded the system with many types of geographies that you can use e.g. all councils, ward boundaries etc.

Select the time period you wish to add data for. Note that by default we will add the most recent time period, but you can remove this if you wish via the red “minus” button to the right of the time period name.

Click the “download” button. The CSV spreadsheet will then download to your computer.


2. Populate the template

Once the template has downloaded you will see a row for each metric type/area/time period combination. If you have picked multiple areas and time periods this could be a long list.

For each row, fill in the “Value” column with the appropriate value. You can also add notes in the “Comments” column if you wish.

When you have finished filling it out, save it to your computer as a CSV file.

Screenshot of a template CSV file highlighting where to add your data in Column E.


3. Upload the spreadsheet

Return to the “Upload metric values” tab and use the file upload picker to select your CSV file from your computer.

Screenshot of the 'file chooser' needed to upload a file by locating from your computer.

Click the “upload” button. Your upload will be processed in the background. When your upload is complete you will receive an email message with the details of your upload. If there were any errors a message will tell you where they were so that you can fix them.


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Need more help?

We hope you found the introduction to the “My Local Metrics” tool useful, but if you have any further questions or would like to learn more, use the “Help” link in the navigation bar anywhere in LG Inform Plus to read through our online help guides, or send an email to and the support team will get back to you (Monday –Friday, 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.).

Screenshot of the site top navigation highlighting the Help button on the far right hand side.


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