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Edit IAR and/or RoPA and upload changes

Edit the CSV file using a spreadsheet tool

Open the Excel or csv file that you have downloaded from the “Download IAR/RoPA/Combined register template” option described above or from a subsequent download of your own RoPA. You can use Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets or any other spreadsheet package that lets you open the file, edit it and save it back in Excel or csv format.

The spreadsheet has columns A to AW as listed here:

Column Column heading Notes
A Data Controller Name

Columns that apply to your whole organisation. You need only fill in the first row

B Data Controller Email
C Data Controller Address
D Data Controller Telephone
E Data Protection Officer Name
F Data Protection Officer Email
G Data Protection Officer Address
H Data Protection Officer Telephone

Identifier that is assigned automatically to a new entry and used to identify an existing entry that you are editing or deleting. Invalid identifiers are ignored. 

J Retention ID

Records retention record type identifier, which indicates where data for the pre- populated fields comes from

K Business Function

Pre-populated business function name that you can change if you have a strong preference for using your own function names


Service ID (download only)

Columns that are pre-populated according to the record type and cannot be changed


Service Name (download only)


Service Legislation Name (download only)


Service Legislation Power Or Duty (download only)


Records Description

Pre-populated according to the record type but can be changed to use your own description of the records.  Often useful if you have the same record type in different business areas.

Contains Personal Information?

Pre-populated according to the record type but can be changed
R Contains Special Information? Pre-populated according to the record type but can be changed

Impact Level (download only)

Pre-populated according to the record type but can be changed

Legal Or Business Requirement? (download only)

Columns that are pre-populated according to the record type but can be changed if your records do not match the default

Retention Legislation Name (download only)


Retention Legislation URL (download only)


Retain Permanently? (download only)

X Retention Requirements

Retention requirements pre-populated from the guidance. You can change this locally if you wish


Notes (download only)

Columns that are pre-populated according to the record type and cannot be changed
Z Data Processing Name

Columns that describe your own RoPA records. These should be filled in by you in the spreadsheet and/or online.

AA Data Processing Email
AB Data Processing Address
AC Data Processing Telephone
AD Processing Purpose
AE Joint Processor Name
AF Categories Of Individual
AG Categories Of Personal Information
AH Categories Of Recipients
AI Contract Link
AJ Details Of Transfer
AK Safeguards
AL Security Measures
AM Legal Basis For Processing
AO Asset Owner name

Columns that describe your own IAR records. These should be filled in by you in the spreadsheet and/or online.

AP Asset owner email
AQ Asset owner address
AR Asset owner telephone
AS Asset type
AT Asset location
AU Key asset
AV Type Denotes whether the record is in your ROPA, your IAR or Both.  Will be preset to ROPA if you are only keeping your RoPA and IAR if you are only keeping your IAR, otherwise must be specified.
AW Delete Enter “yes” here if you want to delete the RoPA record identified by the ROPAID column. All other values are ignored.


When you are completing rows for your RoPA you can populate the category fields with any text values you want, but these are the standard lists of values offered. Use the standard categories unless your organisation has agreed different values for good reason.

Categories Of Individual

  • Employees
  • Customers
  • Members
  • Patients
  • Pupils

Categories Of Personal Information

  • Contact details
  • Health data
  • Financial information
  • Employment data
  • Education data
  • Race
  • Ethnic origin
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Trade Union membership
  • Genetics
  • Biometrics (where used for ID purposes)
  • Health
  • Sex life
  • Sexual orientation

Categories Of Recipients

  • Suppliers
  • Credit reference agencies
  • Government departments
  • Court and police services
  • Banks and insurance companies

If more than one category applies for a single RoPA record, put a “|” symbol between each category. For example “xxxxx|yyyyy”. The “|” is known as a “pipe” symbol. It usually comes above the “\” at the bottom left of a PC keyboard.

Follow the instructions to upload your IAR/RoPA/Combined register.