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Edit an area's shape

You can edit unpublished and published neighbourhoods but you won't be able to make any changes once you've finalised those areas.

Follow these steps to edit your neighbourhood's shape and composition. 

  1. Visit the Natural Neighbourhoods site.
  2. Choose the area type in which you created your neighbourhood using the drop-down menu.
  3. Next, select the area you'd like to edit using the drop-down menu. (You can select 'nothing' for the other two drop-downs.)
  4. Click 'Apply'
  5. Your area will appear on the map. Click the grey bar in the bottom right-hand corner.
  6. You can now rebuild the area by picking child areas (link to guide), drawing a shape on the map (link to guide), or by uploading KML shapes (link to guide).

After you're happy with your neighbourhoods, you'll want to finalise them. To edit an area's name and details, you'll need to follow these instructions.